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Day 30 Concluded-

Day 30 Concluded-

There is a lot of reading that can be done on the net about Jim Bishop's fight with the government to build this castle.

There are various signs up all over the property with his views of the is one of them-

A pic of one of the stairways...

...yes, they are very narrow and uneven. A bit claustrophobic feeling, but I had to traverse a few of them. Mary would not get close them. lol

A more conventional staircase.

Inside one of the larger rooms...

...another view.

We did not go any higher than the stain-glass room, which was not even close to halfway up.

Relaxing on the porch of the gift shop.

A look at the entrance as we're leaving.

Quite an interesting place, worth checking out...if it turns out you don't like it, the ride up and back is great!

Headed back toward CS. Beautiful country.

More in next post.